In a recent Scientific American blog post, Willie Schubert tells us how NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization team used satellite data to create a “stunning data visualization”, viewed more than half a million times so far, to illustrate how the path of Saharan dust can affect ecosystems on the other side of the world, bringing much-needed fertilizers to the Amazon’s depleted soils.
While not so dramatic or even cinematic, the EcoBlu Analyst2.0 environmental big data efficiency tool does essential the same thing. It visualizes previously un-relatable deep data sets collected from numerous government agencies and puts them into easy-to-use dashboards accessible in your browser on a computer, or by tablet or smartphone. Users can now easily create custom mash-ups and visualizations to illustrate both ecosystem problems and solutions.
Register Here to join us for the FREE EcoBlu Analyst2.0 launch webinar on September 22 and learn how you can start visualizing Environmental Big Data yourself.
You can read the full Scientific America story at: