April 18

Mitigation Analyst Named Official Platform of the National Environmental Banking Association


Mitigation Analyst Lite – The user-friendly dashboard which provides information about Mitigation banking has been named the official data platform of the National Environmental Banking Association (NEBA). The Washington, DC-based Industry Association represents mitigation and conservation bankers, environmental firms and students from across the United States. This special lite version, now available to all regular NEBA members, features detailed information including credit inventories, bank ownership, historic impacts, and other data invaluable to the industry and others operating under Section #404 of the Clean Water Act.

The full, comprehensive and recently expanded version of Mitigation Analyst is available on the EcoBlu Analyst big data platform -providing environmental project professionals with actionable data – quickly and easily.  >Learn More or Purchase Mitigation Analyst



analyst, big data, mitigation, national environmental banking association, neba, NMBA, platform

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