September 9

What is Environmental Big Data and Why Should I Care?


It seems everywhere you turn these days there is a new reference to “Big Data”. There are some very complicated explanations of what “Big Data” is and why it has become so important in business, but simply put, “Big Data” means using more information to make better decisions, often in less time than was previously possible. That’s what EcoBlu Analyst2.0 enables ecosystem professionals to do. With any browser on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, even the technically-challenged can now access a user-friendly dashboard of the latest environmental data assembled from federal, state, and local governments, ensuring that ecosystem decisions are data-driven, sound and reliable. Register Here to join us for the FREE EcoBlu Analyst2.0 launch webinar on September 22 and learn how you can start harnessing the power of Environmental Big Data yourself. If you’d still like a more detailed explanation about Big data, you can read Bernard Marr’s: Big Data Explained in Less Than 2 Minutes - To Absolutely Anyone via


analyst, analytics, big, cloud, data, ecoblu, ecological, environmental, free, government, private, roll-out, system, training, web, webinar

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State of the Market Report

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